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4 Laws (CRU, 165 languages)
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Bibles in 24 Languages (Biblica)
Bibles (Bible Gateway, 70 Languages
Books of the Bible (NIV) (Choose scripture then change translation!!!)
CRU Resources in 30+ languages
Distance Courses (GCTS Semlink)
Distance Courses (GCTS Dimensions) (Chinese)
Donate your Bible (BF, 80 countries)
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EveryStudent.com (CRU, 43 languages)
Free Audio Bibles (FCBH, 1237 languages)
Internet Statistics Languages Online
Top 20 Internet User Countries
Language Help (Ethnologue)
Learn a Language (119 online)
Listen to the Bible (Bible Gateway, 33 Entries)
Messianic Believer (Zola Levitt)
More Languages (WMP, 345)
Open Doors (25 websites)
Open Doors Watch List Countries
Operation World Country List
Operation World Today's Country
People Group Research (Joshua Project)
Purchase the Jesus Film (Language Packs)
Purchase the Jesus Film (Single Languages)
Trans World Radio (On Demand)
Trans World Radio Broadcasts (230 languages)
Search the Bible (Bible Gateway, 70 languages)
Spirit Filled Life (CRU, 80 languages) (not online, English only placeholder)
Today's Bible Verse
Watch the 700 Club (CBN)
Watch the Jesus Film (1689 languages)
Who is Jesus? (37 languages)

Site Web Links
Languages (If drop-down just below is not visible) (205 pages)

Language pages: ReadMe
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Welcome to JesusisLord.org!
LifeGoesBetterWithJesus.com may have directed you here to meet Jesus Christ or to share him with others.

The purpose of this web site is to introduce you to Jesus Christ the Lord.

Is this possible? Jesus said, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. Anyone who hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me" (Revelation 3:20, the Bible). He is speaking about the door of your heart. Will you open that door? Jesus also said to Thomas who doubted, "Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believed" (John 20:29, The Bible). You CAN believe and receive!

Jesus has targeted every tribe, tongue, people and nation to receive him (Revelation 5:9, the Bible). Therefore, this message will be presented in as many languages as possible.

How to Become a Christian - Watch the Jesus Film now online in your language
Watch the Jesus Film online now in your language!

(Use country map to find your language)
Watch the Jesus Film online now in your language!
(Language list (1689), click on your language, watch!)

Current Jesus Film Statistics

You can download the Jesus Film app for your smartphone. Google "Jesus Film app android" etc. to find your app.
The goal is to view the Jesus Film on diverse platforms (PC, laptop, smartphone, tablet, etc.) and make sharing with others easy via Facebook, Twitter, email, etc.
The <> is the embed code for a website.

JesusIsLord.org is a tent-making ministry (Acts 18:1-3 AMP, Acts 20:33-35 AMP) which seeks to provide those who are searching for God a safe and anonymous place to explore how to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

One may continue on as a new believer and grow in Christ. (I am a New Believer)

JesusIsLord.org also provides individual believers the ability to reach out to those they meet by bringing together online resources by language, one language per page. These resources vary due to availability but ideally include
the Campus Crusade for Christ Four Spiritual Laws,
the Jesus Film (Gospel of Luke which can be watched online),
the Bible (HTML, PDF and audio),
World Missionary Press scripture booklets,
and more
depending on the resources available.

Links on the left of the opening page appear only there and take one to the web.
Links on the right take one into JesusIsLord.org or to websites originating from JesusIsLord.org.
Each page includes a "Last updated" date for that page. To keep the web site available, work is done "live." JesusIsLord.org never closes down for maintenance.
The design rule broken is that the pages are long. Navigation is simple with 10,000 links quick and easy to access.

JesusIsLord.org is a gift
to God in deep appreciation of Jesus Christ having forgiven me.
to those who have not yet had a clear understanding of the Gospel.
to the Body of Christ, specifically to those who are personal evangelists as we are all called to be

Who is Jesus? (languages) (fonts may be needed)
Who is Jesus? (37 languages) (fonts may be needed)

Have you heard of the Four Spiritual Laws? (165 languages)
Have you heard of the Four Spiritual Laws? (165 languages)

Bilingual Four Spiritual Laws (70 languages)
Bilingual Four Spiritual Laws (70 languages)


Have you made the wonderful discovery of the Spirit Filled life? (English) (placeholder for languages which are not online now)
Have you made the wonderful discovery of the Spirit Filled life? (English)

(placeholder for languages which are not online now)

I want to receive Jesus now

More languages from World Missionary Press (read now)
More languages from World Missionary Press
(read online 245+)
Booklet titles
Complete list of languages available
The WMP language map of Africa for geographical help where a language is spoken.

Leap of Faith:
Who am I That a King Would Die in My Place?
Who am I That a King Would Die in My Place?

Download the audio New Testament in 1237 languages (This is a Bible stick)
Download the audio New Testament in 1237 languages (This is a Bible stick)

Audio New Testaments to download in 1237 languages (drop down list)
Radio Broadcasts Around the World in 230 Languages
Unicode Bibles (no special fonts needed)
If you are not sure of the name of the language, the Ethnologue from SIL International can assist you. (Please note that due to independent endeavors by different organizations historically the names of languages may differ slightly from one organization to another. Pages on JesusIsLord.org are being updated to include the 3 digit Ethnologue language code. Resources from other organizations do not necssarily include the 3 digit code so identifying "language names" that are really the same language is not easy.

There are 7097 known living languages currently. As linguistic researchers (volunteers) go out and point to objects and then record what a native speaker calls it, language classifications are updated. What was once thought to be a language can turn out to be a dialect of another language. Thus, the Ethnologue changes classifications and bundles them in revisions. Revision 15 was dated 2005. Revision 16 was dated 2009. In addition, organizations now meet together to decide how to move forward in the next few months. Efforts are now co-ordinated instead of duplicated. Please go to Resources by Languages and scroll down below the language list for a sense of the progression of dealing with writtenand unwritten languages online.

Share your faith in Jesus on http://jesusislord.org/my_story/unitedstates.htm (U.S.)
Share your faith in Jesus on
http://jesusislord.org/my_story/unitedstates.htm (U.S.)
Share your faith in Jesus on http://jesusislord.org/my_story/world.htm (outside the U.S.)


For television broadcasts around the world in other languages and for prayer, free counseling, and viewing the 700 Club online:
The Christian Broadcasting Network (1-800-700-7000, 001-757-226-2247 from overseas (Washington D.C. time zone).
You are loved just as you are and you will be directed to Jesus who alone can satisfy you.
As seen on TV around the world... Superbook for kids!

Last updated: 02/01/2019 (UNIX) d

Background music is:


In the kingdom, tears will be forgotten
In the kingdom, pain will be no more
Then will our eyes behold the world's salvation
Then face to face we shall behold our Lord.

Black and white, and young and old together
Shining bright, redeemed from sin and shame
Joined in one Spirit; one in voice in purpose
One in our worship unto Jesus' Name.

There will flow the river of rejoicing
There will grow the fruit of love and peace
Then will the overcomers teach the nations
Then will the reign of Jesus never cease.

Peace will reign upon God's holy mountain
Lamb and lion lying down as friends
Then will creation know its true fulfillment, and
Join in the dance of joy that never ends!


by Tim Barber ©1995 Papa's Music. All Rights Reserved. CCLI Song No. 2294366


How to become a Christian - leap of faith - jesus talk - spiritual help - sinners prayer - jesus Christ the lord - Jesus is lord