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Ethnologue 16th edition Language Code:
Icelandic, a language of Iceland
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The Four Spiritual Laws in Icelandic
Watch the Jesus Film in Icelandic
$ The Jesus Film in language packs
Online Searchable Bibles (Icelandic)
500 free audio download N.T. and Bibles (not in Icelandic yet)
Joshua Project Icelandic Sign Language
Joshua Project Peoples of Iceland
Icelandic - English Four Spiritual Laws - not online yet, check back
Bilingual printable Four Spiritual Laws for 36 languages
(You will need Adobe Acrobat 4.0)
Who is Jesus? in English (Icelandic not online yet, check back)
Have you made the wonderful discovery of the Spirit-filled life? in English (not in Icelandic yet, check back)
Have you made the wonderful discovery of the Spirit-filled life? (languages)
Chick Publications "Petta var pitt lif!"
Chick Publications "Petta var pitt lif!" (languages)
Jesus is Lord
Jesús er Drottinn
Fyrra bréf Páls til Korin 12:3 Icelandic Bible Slovo na cestu (CZ-IBS)
3 "Fyrir því læt ég yður vita, að enginn, sem talar af Guðs anda, segir: ,,Bölvaður sé Jesús!`` og enginn getur sagt: ,,Jesús er Drottinn!`` nema af heilögum anda."
(Charles Stanley)
(Joyce Meyer - Television)
(Open Doors)
(Reinhard Bonnke - Christ for all Nations)
not in Icelandic yet, check back
(David Wilkerson -Times Square Church Pulpit Series)
Broadcasts in Icelandic - not available yet,
check back
(Trans World Radio)
(Wycliffe Bible Translators)
(Trinity Broadcasting Network)
Weather in Iceland in Icelandic
Daníel 7:13-14 Icelandic Bible (ICELAND)
13 "Ég horfði í nætursýnunum, og sjá, einhver kom í skýjum himins, sem mannssyni líktist. Hann kom þangað, er hinn aldraði var fyrir, og var leiddur fyrir hann. 14 Og honum var gefið vald, heiður og ríki, svo að honum skyldu þjóna allir lýðir, þjóðir og tungur. Hans vald er eilíft vald, sem ekki skal undir lok líða, og ríki hans skal aldrei á grunn ganga." current list (PC-friendly) list (Mobile-friendly)
(not completely updated, see above link if you have a PC)
Last updated: 12/11/2013
Blessing and honor, glory and power
Be unto the Ancient of Days
From every nation, all of creation,
Bow before the Ancient of Days.
Every tongue in heaven and earth
Shall declare Your glory
every knee shall bow at your throne in worship
You will be exalted Oh God
And your kingdom shall not pass away,
Oh Ancient of Days!
2x (above)
Your kingdom shall reign over all the earth
Sing unto the Ancient of Days
Your kingdom shall reign over all the earth
Sing unto the Ancient of Days
2x (above)
Every tongue in heaven and earth
Shall declare Your glory
Every knee shall bow at your throne in worship
You will be exalted Oh God
And your kingdom shall not pass away,
Oh Ancient of Days!
Oh Ancient of Days!
Oh Ancient of Days!
Oh Ancient of Days!
Oh Ancient of Days!
Musical instruments pick up the beat...
Your kingdom shall reign over all the earth
Sing unto the Ancient of Days
Your kingdom shall reign over all the earth
Sing unto the Ancient of Days
5x (above)