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Ethnologue 16th edition Language Code: mar
Marathi, a language of India

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The Four Spiritual Laws in Marathi
The Four Spiritual Laws in Marathi

Watch the Jesus Film in Marathi

Magdalena in Marathi

The Story of Jesus for Children in Marathi

My Last Day in Marathi

Who is God? in Marathi

Who is Jesus? in Marathi

Prayer, Talking with God in Marathi

Living as a Disciple of Jesus in Marathi

Sharing your Faith with Others in Marathi

$ Marathi Jesus Film

Online Bible in Marathi

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Marathi Bible parallel other Indian languages

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About the Bible in Marathi

Faith Comes by Hearing: not in Marathi yet Audio Marathi N.T (not in Marathi yet).

Joshua Project Marathi in Mauritus

Joshua Project Marathi speakers (exhaustive locations)

Joshua ProjectMarathi in the India

Global Recording Network: recordings in Marathi Recordings in Marathi

Marathi - English Four Spiritual Laws - not online yet, check back

Bilingual printable Four Spiritual Laws for 36 languages
(You will need Adobe Acrobat 4.0)

Who is Jesus? not in Marathi yet, check back

Have you made the wonderful discovery of the Spirit filled life? (not in Marathi)

Chick Publications "This was your life" in Marathi (not online yet, check back)

Marathi resources


Jesus is Lord

1 Corinthians 12:3 (PDF .2M)(Marathi Bible)

"3ãUËêÙ ×è ÌéãU梶Uæ âæ¢»Ì ¥æãðU ·¤è, Îðßæ„Øæ ¥æˆØæÙð Õô¶UËæÚUæ ·¤ôËèãUè ×Ùé•Ø ¥âð ãUËÌ ÙæãUè ·¤è, ÒÒØðàê àæçÂÌ ¥âô.ÓÓ ¥æçË Âçßd ¥æˆØæçàßæØ ·¤ôËèãUè ÒØðàê ÂýÖé ¥æãðU,ÓÓ ¥âð ãUËê à·¤Ì ÙæãUè. "

1 Corinthians 12:3 in English (Amplified Bible)

"Therefore I want you to understand that no one speaking under the power and influence of
the [Holy] Spirit of God can [ever] say, Jesus be cursed! And no one can [really] say,
Jesus is [my] Lord, except by and under the power and influence of the Holy Spirit."

(Charles Stanley)


(Joyce Meyer - Television)


(Open Doors)


(Reinhard Bonnke - Christ for all Nations)


(not in Marathi yet, check back)

(David Wilkerson -Times Square Church Pulpit Series)


Marathi (not online yet, check back)

(Trans World Radio)


(Wycliffe Bible Translators)


(Trinity Broadcasting Network)


Free Translation

Weather in India in English (not in Marathi yet)

Weather in South Asia

Global Weather

Languages on the Internet

Daniel 7:13-14 (PDF .2M Marathi Bible)(scroll down)

"13×æÛØæ ÚUædè„Øæ Îë•ÅUæ‹ÌæÌ ×¶Uæ ×Ùé•ØÂýæ‡Øæ„Øæ ¥æ·ë¤ÌèâæÚU¹ð ·¤æãUèÌÚUè çÎâ¶ðU. Ìô ÉU»æ¢ßMÙ ØðÌ ãUôÌæ. Ìô Âýæ¿èÙ ÚUæÁæ·¤ÇðU ¥æ¶Uæ. ˆØæ¶Uæ ÚUæÁæâ×ôÚU ¥æˇØæÌ ¥æ¶ðU. 14Ò×» ˆØæ ×Ùé•ØÂýæ‡ØæÂý×æËð çÎâËæ:Øæ¶Uæ ¥çÏ·¤æÚU, ßñÖß ß â¢ÂêËü âcæ Îð‡ØæÌ ¥æ¶Uè. âßü ¶Uô·¤, ÚUæ•ÅðUþ ß çÙÚUçÙÚUæÝðU Öæáæ Õô¶UËæÚðU âßü ˆØæ¿è âðßæ ·¤ÚUËæÚU ãUôÌð. ˆØæ¿è âcæ ç¿Ú¢UÌÙ ãUôÌè. ˆØæ¿ð ÚUæ…Ø ·¤æØ׿ð ãUôÌð, ˆØæ¿æ ·¤ÏèãUè Ùæà ãUôËæÚU ٓãUÌæ."

Daniel 7:13-14 (Amplified Bible)

13 "I saw in the night visions, and behold, on the clouds of the heavens came One like a Son of man,
and He came to the Ancient of Days and was presented before Him.
14And there was given Him [the Messiah] dominion and glory and kingdom,
that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve Him.
His dominion is an everlasting dominion which shall not pass away,
and His kingdom is one which shall not be destroyed."

World Missionary Press Resources in Marathi

Help from Above in Marathi online language list current list (PC-friendly) Online Language List (Mobile-friendly) list (Mobile-friendly)

Last updated: 12/11/2013

Background Music: Ancient of Days
(click here for sound)

Ancient of Days in English (Daniel 7:13-14)

Blessing and honor, glory and power

Be unto the Ancient of Days

From every nation, all of creation,

Bow before the Ancient of Days.

Every tongue in heaven and earth

Shall declare Your glory

every knee shall bow at your throne in worship

You will be exalted Oh God

And your kingdom shall not pass away,

Oh Ancient of Days!

2x (above)


Your kingdom shall reign over all the earth

Sing unto the Ancient of Days

Your kingdom shall reign over all the earth

Sing unto the Ancient of Days

2x (above)

Every tongue in heaven and earth

Shall declare Your glory

Every knee shall bow at your throne in worship

You will be exalted Oh God

And your kingdom shall not pass away,

Oh Ancient of Days!

Oh Ancient of Days!

Oh Ancient of Days!

Oh Ancient of Days!

Oh Ancient of Days!

Musical instruments pick up the beat...


Your kingdom shall reign over all the earth

Sing unto the Ancient of Days

Your kingdom shall reign over all the earth

Sing unto the Ancient of Days

5x (above)
