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Ethnologue 16th edition Language Code:
Romanian, a language of Romania
Ethnologue 16th edition Language Code:
Romanian, Isro, a language of Croatia
Ethnologue 16th edition Language Code:
Romanian, Megleno, a language of Greece
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The Four Spiritual Laws in Romanian
Watch the Jesus Film in Romanian
Magdalena in Romanian
The Story of Jesus for Children in Romanian
$ The Jesus Film in language packs
The New Testament in Romanian (HTML)
The Bible in Romanian (HTML, PDF, online)
The Bible in Romanian (HTML, Jewish Bible order of books)
The Bible in Romanina (HTML, Mobile, Jewish Bible order of books) Bibles in Romanian
About the Bible in Romanian
"Ai facut si tu minunata Chick Publications
"ACEASTA A FOST VIATA TA!" (Romanian) Chick Publications
"ACEASTA A FOST VIATA TA!" (languages)
Chick Tract "Holy Joe" (Moldavian) Joshua Project
Romanian speakers (ron) Joshua Project
Romanian speakers Joshua Project
Ethnic groups in Romania Isus este Domnul
1 Corinteni 12:3 (Romanian Bible)
"3 De aceea vă spun că nimeni, dacă vorbeşte prin Duhul lui Dumnezeu, nu zice: ,,Isus să fie
anatema!`` Şi nimeni nu poate zice: ,,Isus este Domnul``, decît prin Duhul Sfînt."
(Charles Stanley) (Joyce Meyer - Television) (Open Doors) (Reinhard Bonnke - Christ for all Nations) (David Wilkerson -Times Square Church Pulpit
Series) (Trans World Radio) (Wycliffe Bible Translators) (Trinity Broadcasting Network) Weather
in România in Romanian Weather in the Republica Moldova What are the names of the countries that once collectively were "Yugoslavia?" Country list All these countries (copied from the above site) are listed under Europe for
weather information. If you disagree with this list, no attempt has been made to offend you."
Map of Yugoslavia and Albania.....
Map of Serbia and Montenegro.....
Wikipedia: Map and history of Yugoslavia Weather in Bosnia şi Herţegovina Daniel 7:13-14 Romanian Bible "13 M'am uitat în timpul vedeniilor mele de noapte, şi iată că pe norii cerurilor a venit unul ca un fiu al omului; a înaintat spre Cel îmbătrînit de zile şi a fost adus înaintea Lui.
14I S'a dat stăpînire, slavă şi putere împărătească, pentru ca să -i slujească toate popoarele, neamurile, şi oamenii de toate limbile. Stăpînirea Lui este o stăpînire vecinică, şi nu va trece nicidecum, şi împărăţia Lui nu va fi nimicită niciodată.
About the Bible in Romanian: Macedonian
Bilingual Four Spiritual Laws for 36 languages (You will need Adobe Acrobat 4.0)
Who is Jesus? in English (not in Romanian yet, check back)
"Ai facut si tu minunata
Descoperire a unei vieti pline de Duhul Sfant?" (Romanian)
Descoperire a unei vieti pline de Duhul Sfant?" (languages)
Between 200K and 300K people speak Romanian in this area:
Bosnia and Hercegovina
Macedonia (Republic)
Serbia and Montenegro
World Missionary Press Resources in Romanian
Calea spre Dumnezeu (Romanian)
Calea spre Dumnezeu (PDF 2.0M) (Romanian) Online Language List (PC-friendly) Online Language List (Mobile-friendly)
Last updated: 12/11/2013
Blessing and honor, glory and power
Be unto the Ancient of Days
From every nation, all of creation,
Bow before the Ancient of Days.
Every tongue in heaven and earth
Shall declare Your glory
every knee shall bow at your throne in worship
You will be exalted Oh God
And your kingdom shall not pass away,
Oh Ancient of Days!
2x (above)
Your kingdom shall reign over all the earth
Sing unto the Ancient of Days
Your kingdom shall reign over all the earth
Sing unto the Ancient of Days
2x (above)
Every tongue in heaven and earth
Shall declare Your glory
Every knee shall bow at your throne in worship
You will be exalted Oh God
And your kingdom shall not pass away,
Oh Ancient of Days!
Oh Ancient of Days!
Oh Ancient of Days!
Oh Ancient of Days!
Oh Ancient of Days!
Musical instruments pick up the beat...
Your kingdom shall reign over all the earth
Sing unto the Ancient of Days
Your kingdom shall reign over all the earth
Sing unto the Ancient of Days
5x (above)