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This map can be easily referenced as to what language booklets you can order for your next business or vacation trip. The booklets are free. Tell them what you're planning to do with them. I'm sure you'll get prayer support! Is someone you know visiting their homeland? Ask if they are open to packing booklets in their language that you will provide! If you like the idea but don't have any plans, you can donate the funds to World Missionary Press for others to go.

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19168 County Road 146
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Phone: (574) 831 - 2111
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Last updated: 03/05/2017

Background music is: The Prize is Worth it All

And I saw the holy city coming down out of heaven as a bride
She has made herself ready
She is clothed in fine linen, pure and white
The light in her eyes is the light of the Lord, her King
Heaven's harmony as the Bride and Bridegroom sing...

There is a feast that's long been planned:
It's the wedding of the Lamb
God and man in sweet communion!
So keep on running for the prize,
Keep the Son's light in your eyes,
Store your treasures up in heaven for that day...
The prize is worth it all, the prize is worth it all!

There will be a celebration; laughter, shouts of jubilation on that day
When the ones who've overcome receive their crowns
And all their tears are wiped away
The trials of this life are not worthy to be compared
To the glorious things the Father has prepared

by Tim Barber ©1995 Papa's Music. All Rights Reserved. Used By Permission. CCLI Song No. 907140